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Jamestown Tree Preservation

and Protection Committee


Trees are vital to the character and beauty of our Town. The Jamestown Tree Preservation and Protection Committee is a dynamic group that acts to ensure the health and care of these important natural resources. Committee members actively plan and participate in the group’s undertakings and events throughout the year. 

The mission of the Tree Committee has several components:  

         - To increase awareness of the environmental, community, economic and social value of trees.

         - To promote the well-being of trees throughout our town. We do this through development of educational programs, tours and information on native trees, optimal tree selection, planting and upkeep, and disease management.

         - To ensure the safety and maintenance of trees on Town property and public rights-of-way. This is accomplished by working with the Town's tree warden and the Department of Public Works to review and approve, as appropriate, requests for tree planting, pruning, and removal. 

         - To undertake tree-oriented projects which enhance the aesthetics and overall quality of life in our Town by collaborating with civic leaders and the tree warden on celebrations, observances and proposal submissions for funding to appropriate sources.

         - To provide citizens of the Town with affordable access to trees and planting assistance.

TreesAreGood: This is a link to a site maintained by the ISA (International Society of Arboriculture). It covers educational and practical information for the general public on tree selection, planting and maintenance. This is a good source of information for a homeowner to review prior to selecting a tree and location or to help determine if they can take on the task themselves or hire a professional.

Tree Preservation and Protection Committee:


Steve Saracino, Tree Warden


Voting Members

James Simmons, Chairperson

Richard Kingsley, Vice Chairperson

Beth Herman, Secretary

Darcy Magratten

Donna Repko

Michele Foster

Tom Waddington


Non Voting Members

Steve Saracino, Tree Warden

Barbara Lundy, Conservation Commission Liaison

Dick Steinbach


Ex Officio Members

Lisa Bryer, Town Planner

Michael Gray, Public Works Director


The Committee meets the third Wednesday of each month.

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