Jamestown Tree

Located between the bike path and the Community Farm, the Jamestown Tree Committee and the Department of Public Works maintains a nursery of trees to provide for residential and municipal plantings. A list of available trees is here. Residents may request a tree if it is to be planted within the Town’s right of way, (usually about ten feet from the edge of the road). The cost to the resident is $100. The Department of Public Works will plant the tree, most likely in the fall. The resident must agree to water and care for the tree. The funding for this program comes from grants and varies from year to year. Residents can also donate trees to the nursery. Contact: jamestowntreecommottee@gmail.com
If interested in procurring a tree from the nursery, please complete this form and mail to the Town of Jamestown, attn: Tree Warden at Town Hall, 93 Narragansett Avenue, Jamestown, RI 02835.